I recently updated my post build script for Azure IaaS VMs and hit problem with adding the VMs to DSC. I was changing the target to a new Automation Account, but that was just name change surely? When I ran the command it failed
Register-AzureRmAutomationDscNode -AutomationAccountName $automationAccount -ResourceGroupName $automationRG -AzureVMName $vmName -NodeConfigurationName $nodeConfig -AzureVMResourceGroup $vmRG -ConfigurationMode ApplyAndMonitor -ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins 15 -RefreshFrequencyMins 30 -RebootNodeIfNeeded $true -AllowModuleOverwrite $true -ActionAfterReboot ContinueConfiguration
..and gave this error
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 'CGVM007/Microsoft.Powershell.DSC' failed with message '{
"error": {
"code": "NotFound",
"target": "vmName",
"message": "The entity was not found."
This didn’t make any sense, I could use the VM name and resource group to find the vm, if I used Get-AzureRmVM. So I looked again at the Automation Accounts and noticed that they were in different regions. I looked at the Register-AzureRMAutomationDSCNode documentation and found that it did have a location parameter. So I added the location (in this case I created a vm object using Get-AzureRmVM and referenced the location property) and it worked a treat.
The working command is below. You can substitute the variables for your own or hard coded values, it will still work
Register-AzureRmAutomationDscNode -AutomationAccountName $automationAccount -ResourceGroupName $automationRG -AzureVMName $vmName -AzureVMLocation ($VMDetails.Location) -NodeConfigurationName $nodeConfig -AzureVMResourceGroup $vmRG -ConfigurationMode ApplyAndMonitor -ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins 15 -RefreshFrequencyMins 30 -RebootNodeIfNeeded $true -AllowModuleOverwrite $true -ActionAfterReboot ContinueConfiguration